
Exploring in the boonies

While Bas and Tom were in town, Luna and Ekko played outside all morning exploring in the boonies. They discovered some seedpots with beautiful red and black seeds that looked like ladybugs. They collected them and brought them inside to open. When Bas came home he helped getting the vines down to get some more and helped finding a little treasure box for Luna. What a fun thing to do together!!!
Terwijl Bas en Tom naar de stad waren speelden Luna en Ekko de hele voormiddag in buiten in de bosjes. Ze vonden peulvruchten met mooie rood met zwarte zaadjes die op lieveheersbeestjes leken. Ze verzamelden ze en brachten ze binnen om open te doen. Wanneer Bas thuis kwam hield hij om de hogere taken naar beneden te halen en zocht een klein schatkistje voor Luna om ze in te bewaren. Wat een fijne voormiddag hadden ze samen!!!


  1. so fun,
    but be careful with the black and red seeds. We had those in Ecuador and we were told they were poisonous. I don't know if it was true or not. We made necklaces with them!

  2. So gorgeous. Anna and Emily are fascinated with the bird feathers they find and the little fuzzy parts of plants once the flowers have gone. They have them in their treasure boxes too.
